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Posterior Deltoid Stretch

Posterior Deltoid Stretch

The Posterior Deltoid Shoulder Stretch improves flexibility of the posterior shoulder musculature.

The deltoid stretch is one of the essential static stretching exercises to avoid shoulder injuries.

Add the deltoid stretch into your regular stretching routine to reduce the the risk for injury at the shoulder and support the muscle recovery process.

Especially after upper-body pulling workouts or intense forehand hitting sessions.

Posterior Deltoid Stretch Recommendation

This is also a great time to relax mentally.

Either close your eyes and focus on your breathing or you can also listen to relaxing music.

After you are finished stretching out you should feel relaxed and ready for a good massage!

Posterior Deltoid Stretch Description Summary

Posterior Deltoid Stretch
© by Phil Halfmann – all rights reserved
  1. Horizontally adduct the shoulder at 90˚
  2. Move other arm underneath and flex the elbow to hold position of the horizontally adducted arm
  3. Maintain neutral pelvic and spine position; push chest out; look forward
  4. Hold stretch for 45 seconds

Targeted Musculature

  • Posterior deltoid

Deltoideus posterior

Other Stretches For You

Apart from the posterior deltoid stretch we have some other stretches for you that target the muscles acting on the shoulder.

Simply click on them to learn more or watch the videos:

Shoulder Stretch for Internal Rotators
Shoulder Stretch for Internal Rotators
Rotator Cuff Stretch
Rotator Cuff Stretch
Latissimus Dorsi Stretch

Training Zone

We provide you with some more workouts and training tips you may be interested in to optimize your training.

Also, make sure that you warm up properly before and stretch out after your training session.

Have fun and happy training!